Practice Updates

6th Jul 2022

Self Referral Physio & Podiatry


There is now a brand new website available to patients living within the boundaries of NHS Lanarkshire. The website hosts comprehensive information on what Physiotherapy can offer, as well as useful advice and exercises. These exercises and videos provide patients with an easy-to-use guide on how to manage common musculoskeletal conditions. 

Patients will also be able to to complete an online form to self-refer to NHS Lanarkshire Physiotherapy. The self-referral can be completed by any adult living in Lanarkshire, who has a musculoskeletal condition. The form will be received by the Physiotherapy team, and will be clinically triaged before being added to the waiting list for review.

Please visit the website link below: 

NHS Lanarkshire MSK Physiotherapy Site


As of 30th May 2022, a new service will be implemented in the East Kilbride locality, which sees changes to the process for referral to podiatry services. Referrals are now being taken directly from patients via telephone, where patients will be screened and triaged. Depending on the outcome of this telephone screening appointment, you will either be given self-care advice, a telephone appointment with a clinician or a face to face appointment if warranted. 

To self-refer for Podiatry services, please call the referral hub on 01698 753 753. 

You can also access information on the service via the website link below:

NHS Lanarkshire Podiatry services

14th Dec 2020

Lunch Closure



From 21st December 2020

The practice will close for lunch between


12.30 & 13.30



If you require urgent medical attention that cannot wait until the surgery reopens please call the main surgery number.


 Many thanks



The Partners of Strathcalder Practice